""" ================================= Frequency Band Selection Helpers ================================= This file contains helper functions for the frequency band selection example """ import numpy as np from mne import Epochs, events_from_annotations from scipy.interpolate import interp1d from pyriemann.estimation import Covariances, Shrinkage from pyriemann.classification import class_distinctiveness def freq_selection_class_dis(raw, subband_fmin, subband_fmax, alpha=0.4, band_div=50, tmin=0.5, tmax=2.5, picks=None, event_id=None, cv=None, return_class_dis=False, verbose=None): r"""Select optimal frequency band based on class distinctiveness measure. Optimal frequency band is selected by combining a filter bank with a heuristic based on class distinctiveness on the manifold [1]_: 1. Filter training raw EEG data for each sub-band of a filter bank. 2. Estimate covariance matrices of filtered EEG for each sub-band. 3. Measure the class distinctiveness of each sub-band using the classDis metric. 4. Find the optimal frequency band by starting from the sub-band with the largest classDis and expanding the selected frequency band as long as the classDis exceeds the threshold :math:`th`: .. math:: th = max(classDis) - (max(classDis)−min(classDis)) × alpha Parameters ---------- raw : Raw object An instance of Raw from MNE. subband_fmin: List of float that describes the subband lower bound subband_fmax: List of float that describes the subband upper bound alpha : float, default=0.4 Parameter to define an appropriate threshold for each individual. band_div: float, default=50. Dividing point of low frequency bands and high frequency bands. tmin, tmax : float, default=0.5, 2.5 Start and end time of the epochs in seconds, relative to the time-locked event. picks : str | array_like | slice, default=None Channels to include. Slices and lists of integers will be interpreted as channel indices. If None (default), all channels will pick. event_id : int | list of int | dict, default=None Id of the events to consider. - If dict, the keys can later be used to access associated events. - If int, a dict will be created with the id as string. - If a list, all events with the IDs specified in the list are used. - If None, all events will be used and a dict is created with string integer names corresponding to the event id integers. cv : cross-validation generator, default=None An instance of a cross validation iterator from sklearn. return_class_dis : bool, default=False Whether to return all_cv_class_dis value. verbose : bool, str, int, default=None Control verbosity of the logging output of filtering and . If None, use the default verbosity level. Returns ------- all_cv_best_freq : list List of the selected frequency band for each hold of cross validation. all_cv_class_dis : list, optional List of class_dis value of each hold of cross validation. Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 0.3.1 References ---------- .. [1] `Class-distinctiveness-based frequency band selection on the Riemannian manifold for oscillatory activity-based BCIs: preliminary results `_ M. S. Yamamoto, F. Lotte, F. Yger, and S. Chevallier. 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC2022), 2022. """ subband_fmean = np.sqrt((subband_fmin * subband_fmax)) n_subband = len(subband_fmin) low_index = subband_fmean <= band_div high_index = subband_fmean > band_div n_subband_low = len(subband_fmean[low_index]) n_subband_high = len(subband_fmean[high_index]) all_sub_band_cov = [] for fmin, fmax in zip(subband_fmin, subband_fmax): cov_data, labels = _get_filtered_cov(raw, picks, event_id, fmin, fmax, tmin, tmax, verbose) all_sub_band_cov.append(cov_data) all_cv_best_freq = [] all_cv_class_dis = [] for i, (train_ind, test_ind) in enumerate(cv.split(all_sub_band_cov[0], labels)): all_class_dis = [] for ii in range(n_subband): class_dis = class_distinctiveness( all_sub_band_cov[ii][train_ind], labels[train_ind], exponent=1, metric='riemann', return_num_denom=False) all_class_dis.append(class_dis) all_class_dis = np.array(all_class_dis) all_cv_class_dis.append(all_class_dis) best_freq_low = _get_best_freq_band(all_class_dis[low_index], n_subband_low, subband_fmin[low_index], subband_fmax[low_index], alpha) best_freq_high = _get_best_freq_band(all_class_dis[high_index], n_subband_high, subband_fmin[high_index], subband_fmax[high_index], alpha) all_cv_best_freq.append((best_freq_low, best_freq_high)) if return_class_dis: return all_cv_best_freq, all_cv_class_dis else: return all_cv_best_freq def _get_filtered_cov(raw, picks, event_id, fmin, fmax, tmin, tmax, verbose): """Private function to apply band-pass filter and estimate covariance matrix.""" best_raw_filter = raw.copy().filter(fmin, fmax, method='iir', picks=picks, verbose=verbose) events, _ = events_from_annotations(best_raw_filter, event_id=event_id, verbose=verbose) epochs = Epochs( best_raw_filter, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, proj=True, picks=picks, baseline=None, preload=True, verbose=verbose) labels = epochs.events[:, -1] - 2 epochs_data = epochs.get_data(units="uV") cov_data = Covariances().transform(epochs_data) cov_data = Shrinkage().transform(cov_data) return cov_data, labels def _get_best_freq_band(all_class_dis, n_subband, subband_fmin, subband_fmax, alpha): """Private function to select frequency bands whose class dis value are higher than the user-specific threshold.""" fmaxstart = np.argmax(all_class_dis) fmin = np.min(all_class_dis) fmax = np.max(all_class_dis) threshold_freq = fmax - (fmax - fmin) * alpha f0 = fmaxstart f1 = fmaxstart while f0 >= 1 and (all_class_dis[f0 - 1] >= threshold_freq): f0 = f0 - 1 while f1 < n_subband - 1 and (all_class_dis[f1 + 1] >= threshold_freq): f1 = f1 + 1 best_freq_f0 = subband_fmin[f0] best_freq_f1 = subband_fmax[f1] best_freq = [best_freq_f0, best_freq_f1] return best_freq